B |
Crossovers will |
play home on
Thursdays |
Commencing Monday 23rd September |
Preliminary rounds Ushers and Team K.O. cups |
Week Commencing Monday 30th September |
Tu |
Deverill Boys |
1-6 |
Royals |
Tu |
Rotex |
2-5 |
Alley Cats |
W |
Cocks & Hens |
3-4 |
Chapmanslade |
W |
Wanderers |
6.5-0.5 |
Alison's Allsorts |
Th |
Crossovers |
5-2 |
No Pain No Lane |
F |
Deadbeats |
2-5 |
Tribesmen |
Week Commencing Monday 7th
October |
M |
Alison's Allsorts |
4-3 |
Cocks & Hens |
Tu |
Alley Cats |
5.5-1.5 |
Crossovers |
Tu |
Chapmanslade |
5-2 |
Rotex |
W |
Royals |
6-1 |
Deadbeats |
W |
Tribesmen |
4-3 |
Wanderers |
F |
No Pain No Lane |
P-p |
Deverill Boys |
Week Commencing Monday 14th October |
Tu |
Deverill Boys |
5-2 |
Alley Cats |
Tu |
Rotex |
2-5 |
Alison's Allsorts |
W |
Cocks & Hens |
4-3 |
Tribesmen |
W |
Royals |
7-0 |
No Pain No Lane |
Th |
Crossovers |
5-2 |
Chapmanslade |
F |
Deadbeats |
4.5-2.5 |
Wanderers |
Week Commencing Monday 21st October |
M |
Alison's Allsorts |
7-0 |
Crossovers |
Tu |
Alley Cats |
2-5 |
Royals |
Tu |
Chapmanslade |
P-p |
Deverill Boys |
W |
Tribesmen |
1-6 |
Rotex |
W |
Wanderers |
5-2 |
Cocks & Hens |
F |
No Pain No Lane |
5-2 |
Deadbeats |
Tu |
Deverill Boys |
6-1 |
Alison's Allsorts |
Tu |
Rotex |
1-6 |
Wanderers |
W |
Royals |
7-0 |
Chapmanslade |
Th |
Crossovers |
0.5-6.5 |
Tribesmen |
F |
Deadbeats |
6-1 |
Cocks & Hens |
F |
No Pain No Lane |
1-6 |
Alley Cats |
Commencing Mondays, |
4th and 11th
November |
First rounds
Ushers and Team K.O. cups |
Week Commencing Monday 18th November |
M |
Alison's Allsorts |
1-6 |
Royals |
Tu |
Alley Cats |
P-p |
Deadbeats |
11-Feb |
Tu |
Chapmanslade |
P-p |
No Pain No Lane |
W |
Cocks & Hens |
7-0 |
Rotex |
W |
Tribesmen |
2-5 |
Deverill Boys |
W |
Wanderers |
3-4 |
Crossovers |
Week Commencing Monday 25th November |
Tu |
Alley Cats |
7-0 |
Chapmanslade |
Tu |
Deverill Boys |
1-6 |
Wanderers |
W |
Royals |
2-5 |
Tribesmen |
Th |
Crossovers |
5.5-1.5 |
Cocks & Hens |
F |
Deadbeats |
1-6 |
Rotex |
F |
No Pain No Lane |
1.5-5.5 |
Alison's Allsorts |
Week Commencing Monday 2nd December |
M |
Alison's Allsorts |
5-2 |
Alley Cats |
Tu |
Chapmanslade |
2-5 |
Deadbeats |
Tu |
Rotex |
6-1 |
Crossovers |
W |
Cocks & Hens |
3-4 |
Deverill Boys |
W |
Tribesmen |
6-1 |
No Pain No Lane |
W |
Wanderers |
4-3 |
Royals |
Week Commencing Monday 9th December |
Tu |
Alley Cats |
5.5-1.5 |
Tribesmen |
Tu |
Chapmanslade |
0.5-6.5 |
Alison's Allsorts |
Tu |
Deverill Boys |
6-1 |
Rotex |
W |
Royals |
P-p |
Cocks & Hens |
26-Mar |
F |
Deadbeats |
1.5-5.5 |
Crossovers |
F |
No Pain No Lane |
0-7 |
Wanderers |
Commencing Mondays |
16th, 23rd and
30th December |
round Nomination Cup and |
Second rounds
Ushers and Team K.O. cups |
Week Commencing Monday 6th January |
M |
Alison's Allsorts |
1.5-5.5 |
Deadbeats |
Tu |
Rotex |
3-4 |
Royals |
W |
Cocks & Hens |
1-6 |
No Pain No Lane |
W |
Tribesmen |
1.5-5.5 |
Chapmanslade |
W |
Wanderers |
P-p |
Alley Cats |
Th |
Crossovers |
4-3 |
Deverill Boys |
Week Commencing Monday 13th January |
M |
Alison's Allsorts |
2-5 |
Tribesmen |
Tu |
Alley Cats |
5-2 |
Cocks & Hens |
Tu |
Chapmanslade |
0-7 |
Wanderers |
Tu |
Deverill Boys |
5-2 |
Deadbeats |
W |
Royals |
7-0 |
Crossovers |
F |
No Pain No Lane |
5.5-1.5 |
Rotex |
Week Commencing Monday 20th January |
M |
Alison's Allsorts |
3-4 |
Wanderers |
Tu |
Alley Cats |
5-2 |
Rotex |
Tu |
Chapmanslade |
1-6 |
Cocks & Hens |
W |
Royals |
5-2 |
Deverill Boys |
W |
Tribesmen |
4-3 |
Deadbeats |
F |
No Pain No Lane |
5-2 |
Crossovers |
Week Commencing Monday 27th January |
Tu |
Deverill Boys |
5-2 |
No Pain No Lane |
Tu |
Rotex |
3-4 |
Chapmanslade |
W |
Cocks & Hens |
2-5 |
Alison's Allsorts |
W |
Wanderers |
2-5 |
Tribesmen |
Th |
Crossovers |
5.5-1.5 |
Alley Cats |
F |
Deadbeats |
2-5 |
Royals |
Week Commencing Monday 3rd February |
M |
Alison's Allsorts |
6-1 |
Rotex |
Tu |
Alley Cats |
5-2 |
Deverill Boys |
Tu |
Chapmanslade |
6.5-0.5 |
Crossovers |
W |
Tribesmen |
6-1 |
Cocks & Hens |
W |
Wanderers |
5.5-1.5 |
Deadbeats |
F |
No Pain No Lane |
1.5-5.5 |
Royals |
Commencing Mondays, |
10th and 17th
February |
Quarter finals
Ushers, Team K.O. and |
cups |
Week Commencing Monday 24th February |
Tu |
Deverill Boys |
v |
Chapmanslade |
Tu |
Rotex |
v |
Tribesmen |
W |
Cocks & Hens |
v |
Wanderers |
W |
Royals |
v |
Alley Cats |
Th |
Crossovers |
v |
Alison's Allsorts |
F |
Deadbeats |
v |
No Pain No Lane |
Week Commencing Monday 3rd March |
M |
Alison's Allsorts |
v |
Deverill Boys |
Tu |
Alley Cats |
v |
No Pain No Lane |
Tu |
Chapmanslade |
v |
Royals |
W |
Cocks & Hens |
v |
Deadbeats |
W |
Tribesmen |
v |
Crossovers |
W |
Wanderers |
v |
Rotex |
Week Commencing Monday 10th March |
Tu |
Deverill Boys |
v |
Tribesmen |
Tu |
Rotex |
v |
Cocks & Hens |
W |
Royals |
v |
Alison's Allsorts |
Th |
Crossovers |
v |
Wanderers |
F |
Deadbeats |
v |
Alley Cats |
F |
No Pain No Lane |
v |
Chapmanslade |
Week Commencing Monday 17th March |
M |
Alison's Allsorts |
v |
No Pain No Lane |
Tu |
Chapmanslade |
v |
Alley Cats |
Tu |
Rotex |
v |
Deadbeats |
W |
Cocks & Hens |
v |
Crossovers |
W |
Tribesmen |
v |
Royals |
W |
Wanderers |
v |
Deverill Boys |
Commencing Monday, 24th March |
Clear week for
outstanding league matches |
Week Commencing Monday 31st March |
Tu |
Alley Cats |
v |
Alison's Allsorts |
Tu |
Deverill Boys |
v |
Cocks & Hens |
W |
Royals |
v |
Wanderers |
Th |
Crossovers |
v |
Rotex |
F |
Deadbeats |
v |
Chapmanslade |
F |
No Pain No Lane |
v |
Tribesmen |
Week Commencing Monday 7th April |
M |
Alison's Allsorts |
v |
Chapmanslade |
Tu |
Rotex |
v |
Deverill Boys |
W |
Cocks & Hens |
v |
Royals |
W |
Tribesmen |
v |
Alley Cats |
W |
Wanderers |
v |
No Pain No Lane |
Th |
Crossovers |
v |
Deadbeats |
Commencing Monday, 14th April |
M Ladies elimination evening |
Tu Singles elimination evening |
Semi finals Team K.O. and |
cups |
Commencing Monday 21st April |
Semi finals Ushers and |
cups |
Th Doubles elimination evening |
Week Commencing Monday 28th April |
Tu |
Alley Cats |
v |
Wanderers |
Tu |
Chapmanslade |
v |
Tribesmen |
Tu |
Deverill Boys |
v |
Crossovers |
W |
Royals |
v |
Rotex |
F |
Deadbeats |
v |
Alison's Allsorts |
F |
No Pain No Lane |
v |
Cocks & Hens |
Week Commencing Monday 5th May |
Tu |
Rotex |
v |
No Pain No Lane |
W |
Cocks & Hens |
v |
Alley Cats |
W |
Tribesmen |
v |
Alison's Allsorts |
W |
Wanderers |
v |
Chapmanslade |
Th |
Crossovers |
v |
Royals |
F |
Deadbeats |
v |
Deverill Boys |
Commencing Monday 12th May |
Finals Ushers,
Team Ko and Nomination cups |
Commencing Monday 19th May |
M Singles
Final Rugby Club 8.30 |
Tu Doubles
Final Prestbury Sportsbar 8.30 |
W Wooden Spoon
Broadleaze Bar 8.30 |
W Silver Pin
Dilton Social Club 8.30 |
Th Ladies Cup
Bell & Crown 8.30 |
F Secretaries
Cup Fox & Hounds 8.30 |
THURSDAY 26th June |
Annual General
Meeting |
and Trophy
Presentation |
8.00 p.m. |
Club |